Absolute Returns

The pursuit of absolute returns has become an appealing approach in the dynamic financial markets, where volatility is the norm for investment. Mutual fund investors can take a different approach with absolute returns, which promise to help them through the highs and lows of market volatility. We will examine the idea of absolute returns in this blog, dissecting its nuances and examining why it has turned into a pillar of stability in the frequently turbulent world of investing.

Conventional investing approaches frequently compare their performance to market benchmarks like the S&P 500. Absolute returns, on the other hand, distinguish themselves by emphasising the real gains or losses that an investment makes, independent of the overall performance of the market. This change in viewpoint enables investors to assess a fund's actual performance regardless of the state of the market.

The Mechanics of Absolute Returns

A simple statistic to understand is absolute returns, which represent the percentage change in an investment's value over a given time period. This measure gives investors a clear picture of how well a fund has fared independently of outside influences. Regardless of market fluctuations, absolute returns reveal the unadulterated performance of the fund.

Absolute returns give investors a clear picture of the fund's achievements and failures over a given period of time. They are a pure and straightforward indicator of an investment's performance. In contrast to relative performance measurements that rely on market benchmarks, absolute returns provide a clear and unedited picture of a fund's performance.

  • This measure separates the performance of the fund from the erratic ups and downs of the market by concentrating only on the percentage change in the investment's value.
  • Absolute returns don't change whether the market is going on a bull run, a bear market, or lurching through volatile times. Because of their impartiality, absolute returns are a priceless tool for investors looking to assess their assets without bias. It is a metric that provides a stable and trustworthy assessment of a fund's performance even in the face of constantly shifting market conditions.
  • The metric measures the percentage rise or decrease in an investment's value; it is a simple computation that doesn't involve complicated calculations or evaluations. 
  • Absolute returns offer a comprehensive perspective on success, unencumbered by relative performance indicators that could obscure the fund's actual accomplishments.
  • This indicator encourages a more individualised and investor-centric approach to wealth management by enabling them to make well-informed decisions based on the actual performance of their portfolio.
  • There's more to the appeal of absolute returns than meets the eye. A risk-adjusted performance evaluation is beneficial to investors because it enables them to comprehend the degree of risk involved in the gains made by a fund in addition to its overall return. Based on their risk tolerance and financial objectives, investors can make better selections with the help of this nuanced viewpoint.

Handling Unpredictability Using Absolute Returns

  • A Barrier in Uncertain Times

Absolute returns provide a buffer against the emotional roller coaster that might come with investing during turbulent market situations. Investors can avoid impulsive responses to transient market swings by keeping a more steady and disciplined attitude by concentrating on actual gains or losses.

  • Maintaining Uniformity Throughout

Consistency throughout time is frequently given priority in absolute return schemes. These techniques strive for consistent gains over time, rather than huge losses punctuated by one period of extraordinary gains. The concepts of long-term wealth building and financial stability are in line with this strategy.

Selecting the Best Mutual Fund with Absolute Return

  • Investigating and using caution

Research and due diligence must be done carefully when choosing an absolute return mutual fund. Investors ought to look at the fund's risk management policy, past performance, and management style. Gaining confidence in the selected investment requires openness and communication from the fund management.

  • Allocation of Assets and Diversification

In absolute return methods, asset allocation and diversification are essential components. A portfolio that is well-diversified can aid in risk distribution and improve the likelihood of steady gains. It is essential to comprehend the asset allocation strategy of the fund in order to match the investment to your financial objectives.


Absolute returns on mutual funds provide investors with a compass to help them navigate the market's intricacies and uncertainties in the dynamic world of finance. Investing in absolute return strategies can help investors achieve stability and long-term financial success by emphasizing steady, risk-adjusted gains. When you start your investing journey, think about the benefits of absolute returns—a paradigm shift that can change the way you think about creating and protecting wealth.