Do Mutual Funds With Lower NAVs Give Better Returns?


Investing in mutual funds can be a rewarding journey, but it requires a clear understanding of various factors that influence fund performance. One such factor that often perplexes investors is the Net Asset Value (NAV). In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of NAV, dispel common misconceptions, and explore its relationship with mutual fund returns.

Understanding Net Asset Value (NAV)

NAV full form is Net Asset Value is a crucial metric in the world of mutual funds. It represents the per-unit market value of a fund's assets minus its liabilities. Calculated daily, NAV is a snapshot of a fund's value at a specific point in time. The formula for NAV is simple: Assets minus Liabilities divided by the number of outstanding units.

Significance Of Mutual Fund NAV

NAV plays a pivotal role in determining the buying and selling price of mutual fund units. Investors buy at the higher asking price (NAV + sales charges) and sell at the lower bid price (NAV - redemption charges). Understanding NAV is essential for investors to make informed decisions about when to enter or exit a fund.

Dispelling the Myth: NAV and Fund Performance

A common misconception prevails among investors: the belief that lower NAV implies better returns. In reality, NAV alone is not a reliable indicator of a fund's performance. Lower NAV doesn't guarantee superior returns, and higher NAV doesn't necessarily mean lower returns. The relationship between NAV and returns is more nuanced than a simple numerical comparison.

Factors Influencing Mutual Fund Returns

To comprehend a fund's performance, investors must consider various factors beyond NAV:

  • Fund Management and Strategy: The competence of fund managers and the strategy adopted significantly impact returns.
  • Market Conditions and Economic Factors: External factors such as market trends, economic conditions, and interest rates influence a fund's performance.
  • Sectoral and Asset Class Performance: The success of specific sectors or asset classes affects the overall returns of funds invested in them.
  • Impact of Expenses and Fees: High expenses can erode returns. Evaluating the expense ratio is crucial for understanding a fund's cost structure.

Comparing Returns Across Funds with Different NAVs

Examining case studies of funds with varying NAVs provides insights into historical performance. Analyzing the patterns and trends in returns helps investors make informed decisions. Through a comparative lens, we explore whether low NAV funds consistently outperform high NAV funds.

  • Risk-Return Tradeoff and NAV

Understanding the risk-return tradeoff is vital. Investors must align their risk tolerance with fund selection. High-risk investments might offer higher returns, but they come with increased volatility. NAV is just one factor to consider when balancing expectations with inherent risks associated with different funds.

  • The Role of Expenses in NAV

Expenses have a direct impact on NAV and, subsequently, on returns. Evaluating the expense ratio is crucial for understanding a fund's cost structure. Minimizing expenses while maximizing returns is a strategy investors should consider.

Investor Perception and NAV

Investor perception often influences fund choices. Dispelling myths surrounding NAV and encouraging informed decision-making is crucial. It's essential for investors to align their investment goals with the characteristics of the chosen fund, rather than being swayed by misconceptions.

Educating Investors on Fund Selection

Empowering investors to look beyond NAV is key to making sound investment decisions. Providing guidance on comprehensive fund analysis, encouraging research, and due diligence are essential steps toward helping investors make informed choices.


In the complex landscape of mutual funds, understanding NAV is just the beginning. Investors must delve deeper into factors influencing returns, consider the risk-return tradeoff, evaluate expenses, and align their choices with investment goals. By empowering investors with knowledge and dispelling misconceptions, we pave the way for a more informed and successful investment journey. Remember, in the world of mutual funds, it's not just about the NAV; it's about navigating wisely toward financial goals.


  1. What is NAV, and how does it relate to the performance of mutual funds?

Ans) Net Asset Value (NAV) is the per-share market value of a mutual fund. While a lower NAV may seem attractive, it doesn't necessarily indicate better returns. The performance of a mutual fund depends on various factors, including the fund's investment strategy, market conditions, and the skill of the fund manager.

  1. Is it advisable to choose mutual funds with lower NAVs for potentially higher returns?

Ans) The NAV alone should not be the sole criterion for choosing a mutual fund. It's crucial to consider the fund's historical performance, expense ratio, and risk profile. Lower NAVs may result from factors like stock splits or market fluctuations, and they don't guarantee better returns in the future.

  1. Do mutual funds with higher NAVs always provide lower returns?

Ans) Not necessarily. The NAV is a relative measure and doesn't directly correlate with future returns. Some successful funds have higher NAVs due to consistent performance and a longer track record. It's essential to evaluate a fund's historical returns and compare them to its peers before making investment decisions.

  1. How can investors assess the potential returns of a mutual fund beyond considering its NAV?

Ans) Investors should analyze a fund's historical performance, risk-adjusted returns, expense ratio, and investment strategy. Additionally, reviewing the fund manager's track record and understanding the fund's asset allocation can provide insights into its potential for delivering favorable returns over the long term.

Tushar Vyas
Bengaluru, India