Google's 2024 Layoffs: Ripples in the Tech sector & portfolio restructuring

Layoffs in Teach sector

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has informed employees of forthcoming job cuts in 2024 as the company redirects investments toward artificial intelligence (AI). Pichai, in a memo titled "2024 priorities and the year ahead," outlined ambitious goals and emphasized the need for tough decisions to create investment capacity. 

While sharing AI goals for the year, Pichai mentioned the elimination of roles in some teams, simplifying execution and enhancing velocity. This announcement follows earlier layoffs in 2023, totaling 12,000 jobs, and recent reductions in central engineering, hardware, and advertising. Pichai clarified that the upcoming layoffs won't match the scale of the previous year's cuts and won't affect every team.

Reasons for the Layoffs

Google has declared its intention to terminate hundreds of employees from its digital assistant, hardware, and engineering divisions, as part of its ongoing cost-cutting initiatives. This move comes almost precisely a year after Google's largest-ever layoffs, affecting 12,000 employees. According to a Bloomberg report, the layoffs will impact staff working on Google Assistant, an AI-powered voice technology, as well as those in the augmented reality hardware team and the central engineering organization.

A spokesperson from Google explained that in the latter part of 2023, several teams underwent changes to enhance efficiency and better allocate resources to top product priorities. Unfortunately, these organizational changes involve global job cuts, with affected employees being notified and given the opportunity to apply for other available positions within the company.

The Alphabet Workers Union, representing some Google employees, expressed discontent with the layoffs in a statement on the social network X (formerly Twitter). The union emphasized the inconsistency of ongoing terminations while the company continues to generate billions in revenue each quarter. They pledged to persist in their fight until job security is ensured for their members.

Impact on Layoffs and Tech Jobs

If you still possess access to the go/grow initiative, Bets offer considerably more flexibility in terms of staffing compared to Google. From my experience, Bets independently manage their profit and loss statements and have the authority to convert contingent workers into full-time employees for suitable candidates. Your separation agreement likely specifies that if you rejoin Google within a specified timeframe, you are obligated to repay your severance. The enforcement of this clawback provision is assured.

Given the prevailing macroeconomic conditions, your optimal strategy is to explore opportunities in early-stage startups. Companies ranging from Series B to IPO were well-financed during the pandemic, resulting in excessive hiring. However, companies like mine (Inworld AI) occupy a favorable position. As a Series A company, we secured funding before the economic downturn, and our spending had not escalated. Despite the hype surrounding generative AI, our intentional growth has enabled us to sustain hiring. Therefore, seek out companies that recently secured Series A or seed funding.

To identify these early-stage startups, consider utilizing resources such as Pitchbook or peruse VC websites. Connect with heads of talent at VC firms who maintain databases of potential candidates to share with their portfolio companies. They possess more extensive networks than typical recruiters.

Potential Impact on the Indian Stock Market

The Indian market, heavily reliant on IT exports, is bound to feel the ripples of Google's layoffs:

  • Market Volatility: News of significant layoffs can trigger short-term market volatility, particularly in tech-heavy sectors. Investors need to consider this while making investment decisions.
  • Selective Impact: The impact on individual companies will vary depending on their fundamentals and growth strategies. Investors should look for companies with strong long-term prospects and focus on diversifying their portfolios to mitigate risk.
  • Mutual Fund Diversification: Diversifying into broader market funds or those focused on other high-growth sectors beyond tech can offer some protection against market downturns related to tech-specific issues.

The road ahead

In the face of these challenges, both Google and the tech industry at large need to prioritize:

  • Adaptability and Resilience: Continuous adaptation to changing market conditions and technological advancements is key for survival. Companies need to invest in reskilling and upskilling their workforce to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Long-Term Optimism: While the immediate future might seem uncertain, the tech sector continues to hold immense potential, particularly in India. Focusing on innovation and addressing critical needs like healthcare and education through technology can unlock significant growth opportunities.
  • Informed Decisions: For both tech professionals and investors, staying informed about industry trends, market conditions, and individual company strategies is crucial to making informed decisions and navigating the ever-evolving tech landscape.

The Google layoffs, while unsettling, are not indicative of a tech apocalypse. They serve as a stark reminder of the dynamic nature of the industry and the need for constant adaptation. By embracing change, building resilience, and staying informed, both Google and the broader tech ecosystem can emerge stronger and continue to drive innovation for a brighter future.


  1. Do stocks go up or down after layoffs? 

The short-term impact can be mixed, with some companies seeing a dip due to investor concerns about the company's health, while others might rise due to cost-cutting measures. The long-term effect depends on the company's future prospects and execution.

  1. What is the impact of layoffs? 

Layoffs can have negative consequences for employees, the economy, and public perception of the company. They can also lead to talent drain and knowledge loss. However, they can also be a necessary step for companies to restructure and adapt to changing market conditions.

  1. Should I rebalance my portfolio post massive layoffs in the tech sector? 

It depends on your individual risk tolerance and investment goals. Consider diversifying your portfolio across different sectors and asset classes to mitigate risk. Consult with a financial advisor for personalized advice.

Tushar Vyas
Bengaluru, India