Myths and Facts about Mutual Funds


A mutual fund is a pool of money from various investors who share a common investment objective and invests the same in equities, bonds, money market instruments and other securities which are  managed by a professional Fund Manager.

The returns generated from this collective investment is distributed proportionately amongst the investors after deducting expenses, by calculating a scheme’s “Net Asset Value”

Myth #1: Mutual Funds are too risky

While it's important to acknowledge that no investment is entirely without risk, dismissing mutual funds as inherently too risky may overlook their benefits, especially when aligned with an investor's goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. 

Here are key points to consider:

  • Mutual funds are regulated by financial authorities to protect investors. This oversight ensures transparency, disclosure of risks, and adherence to regulations, providing a level of investor protection.
  •  Mutual funds are managed by experienced fund managers who conduct thorough research and analysis. Their expertise aims to make informed investment decisions, potentially minimizing risks associated with individual stocks selection.
  •  Mutual funds pool money from various investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, debt or equity. This diversification helps spread risk across different assets, and reduces the impact of poor performance from a single investment. Historical data can provide insights into how a mutual fund has performed over time. Investors can use this information to assess the fund's risk-return profile.
  • Mutual funds offer a range of options, from conservative to aggressive, allowing investors to choose funds that align with their risk preferences. Mutual funds can be influenced by the investment horizon. Long-term investors may have the opportunity to ride out short-term market fluctuations and benefit from compounding returns.

Myth #2: Mutual Funds guarantee high returns

A. It is a usual misconception that mutual funds guarantee high returns. However, it's important  to understand the nuanced aspects of mutual fund investments:

  • Mutual fund returns give market linked performance. They are subject to market fluctuations, prevailing economic conditions, interest rates, and global events so there is no absolute assurance of consistently high returns introducing an element of unpredictability.
  • The fact must not be ignored that mutual funds have risk and return relationship offering the potential for higher returns typically involve a commensurate increase in volatility and risk. Regular monitoring, periodic reassessment, and staying informed about market conditions contribute to a more informed and prudent investment approach.
  •  Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Mutual funds that have shown strong performance in the past may not necessarily replicate the same level of success in the future.
  • Fees and expenses associated with mutual funds can impact overall returns. Investors should be mindful of management fees, front-end or back-end loads, and other costs that may reduce net returns.

B. Clarification on risk levels and diversification

To clarify on risk levels and diversification there are some points to consider

  • Prices of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds can experience rapid changes influenced by various external factors.
  • The performance of financial markets is closely tied to prevailing economic conditions. Economic indicators, such as GDP growth, employment rates, and inflation, contribute to the variability in market performance.
  • Central bank decisions on interest rates can influence the cost of borrowing and spending, impacting the overall health of financial markets. Changes in interest rates contribute to fluctuations in asset prices.
  • Different sectors within the market may perform differently based on industry-specific factors. Shifts in consumer preferences, technological advancements, or regulatory changes can lead to variability in sector performance.
  • Investor psychology and sentiment play a vital role in market fluctuations. Positive or negative sentiment can drive buying or selling activities, causing short-term variability in asset prices.
  • Government policies, including fiscal and monetary measures, can influence market dynamics. Changes in taxation, regulations, or monetary stimulus can lead to shifts in investor behavior and market performance.

Myth #3: Mutual Funds are Only for the Wealthy

 Mutual funds are not exclusive to the wealthy; they offer a flexible and accessible investment avenue for individuals across different income brackets. Educating potential investors about the diverse options, affordability, and benefits of mutual funds helps dispel the myth and encourages a broader spectrum of people to participate in wealth creation through investment.

Here are key points to address this myth:

  • Mutual funds allow investors to start with relatively small amounts, making them accessible to a wide range of individuals. This feature enables even those with modest financial resources to participate in the financial markets.
  • Many mutual funds offer Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), allowing investors to contribute small amounts regularly. This approach facilitates disciplined investing over time, regardless of the investor's initial financial capacity.
  • Mutual funds pool money from various investors, providing the opportunity for diversification with limited capital. This diversification helps mitigate risk and enhance the potential for returns.
  • Mutual funds typically provide liquidity, allowing investors to buy or sell fund units at net asset value (NAV) on any business day. This feature enhances flexibility, enabling investors to manage their investments based on changing financial circumstances.
  • Mutual funds are designed to cater to retail investors, allowing them to participate in the financial markets alongside institutional investors. This democratization of investment opportunities aligns with the principle of financial inclusion.

Fact #1:Professional Fund Management

Fund managers play an important role in the success of mutual funds, contributing their expertise to navigate financial markets and make informed investment decisions on behalf of investors. Here's an overview of the key aspects:

  • Fund managers are responsible for making investment decisions that align with the fund's objectives and investment strategy. This includes selecting individual securities, such as stocks or bonds, and determining the fund's asset allocation.
  • Conducting thorough market research and analysis is a fundamental part of the fund manager's role. They stay informed about economic conditions, industry trends, and company performance to identify potential investment opportunities or risks.
  •  Based on their research, fund managers construct and manage the fund's portfolio. This involves selecting a mix of assets that aims to achieve the fund's goals while managing risk through diversification.
  • Continuous monitoring of the fund's performance is crucial. Fund managers evaluate the portfolio's returns against benchmarks, assess the impact of market conditions, and make adjustments to optimize performance.
  • Financial markets are dynamic, and fund managers need to be adaptable and agile in their decision-making. They respond to changing market conditions, economic indicators, and global events that may affect the fund's performance.
  • Fund managers adhere to regulatory guidelines and ensure compliance with legal requirements. They operate within the framework established by regulatory authorities to safeguard the interests of investors.
  •  Fund managers typically possess strong educational backgrounds in finance, economics, or related fields. Professional certifications and experience contribute to their expertise in investment management.
  • Fund managers may receive performance-based incentives, aligning their interests with those of the fund's investors. This structure motivates them to achieve positive and competitive returns.

B. How expertise contributes to potential success

Fund managers construct and manage portfolios, striving to achieve goals while mitigating risks through diversification.Responsible for aligning investment choices with the fund's objectives and strategy, they conduct thorough market research, staying abreast of economic conditions and industry trends. Continuous monitoring and agile decision-making in response to dynamic market conditions are paramount. 

Fact #2: Diversification in Mutual Funds

Diversification is a fundamental principle in investing, and mutual funds provide an effective means to achieve it.

  •  Diversification involves risk mitigation across different asset classes and geographic regions. This strategy helps mitigate the impact of poor performance from a single investment, reducing overall portfolio risk.
  • Financial markets are inherently volatile, with individual assets experiencing fluctuations. Diversifying across various assets helps manage overall portfolio volatility, smoothing out the impact of market ups and downs.
  • Diversification aims to improve the risk-adjusted returns of a portfolio. While some investments may experience fluctuations, a well-diversified portfolio seeks to optimize returns for a given level of risk.
  • Diversification extends to different sectors and industries within a mutual fund portfolio. This approach helps in avoiding overexposure to the risks associated with a particular sector's performance.
  • Investing in mutual funds that hold assets from various geographic regions can mitigate risks associated with economic and geopolitical events in a specific location. Global diversification helps protect against regional economic downturns.
  • Diversification aims for stable, consistent returns over the long term. While some investments may experience short-term fluctuations, a diversified portfolio seeks to deliver smoother and more predictable overall performance.
  • Diversification is a key strategy for preserving and growing wealth over the long term. By reducing the impact of severe market downturns, it helps investors stay invested and benefit from the potential compounding of returns.

Fact #3:Flexibility of Mutual Fund Investments

Mutual funds offer investors a high degree of flexibility, making them a versatile investment choice. Here are key aspects that highlight the flexibility of mutual fund investments:

  • One of the primary advantages of mutual funds is liquidity. Investors can buy or sell mutual fund units on any business day at the net asset value (NAV), allowing them to convert their investment into cash relatively quickly.
  •  Mutual funds operate as open-end investment companies, meaning they continuously issue and redeem units based on investor demand. This structure ensures that the fund can meet redemption requests and provides liquidity to investors.
  • Mutual funds offer the flexibility of Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs), allowing investors to contribute fixed amounts at regular intervals (monthly, quarterly). This systematic approach accommodates investors with varying cash flow patterns.
  • Investors can opt for Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWPs) to receive a predetermined amount at regular intervals. This feature allows investors to create a steady income stream while staying invested in the mutual fund.
  • Mutual funds offer a wide range of choices catering to different investor preferences. Investors can select funds based on their risk tolerance, financial goals, and investment horizon, providing flexibility in aligning the portfolio with individual needs.
  • Many mutual fund companies allow investors to switch between different funds within the same fund family. This feature enables investors to reallocate their investments based on changing market conditions or their evolving financial goals.
  • Dividends earned from mutual funds can be automatically reinvested to purchase additional units. This flexibility allows investors to compound their returns over time without the need for manual reinvestment decisions.
  • Mutual funds offer tax-efficient options, such as tax-saving equity-linked saving schemes (ELSS) with a lock-in period, and index funds with lower turnover. This tax efficiency provides flexibility for tax-conscious investors.


Dispelling common misconceptions about mutual funds involves addressing key myths and presenting the facts. One prevailing myth is the belief in high entry barriers, whereas the reality is that many mutual funds offer low initial investment requirements and systematic investment plans, making them accessible to a diverse range of investors. Another myth concerns the notion that mutual funds guarantee profits, whereas the fact is that they are subject to market fluctuations, and returns are not assured. Additionally, the misconception that mutual funds are overly complex is dispelled by the reality that they come in various types, catering to different risk appetites and financial goals, with ample educational resources provided by fund companies. 


  1. Are mutual funds 100% safe?  

Investors considering mutual funds should be aware of inherent risks associated with these investments. Market risk exposes funds to fluctuations based on economic conditions and geopolitical events, potentially impacting performance. Unlike guaranteed instruments, mutual funds lack principal protection, with values subject to market movements. Diversification aims to manage risk, yet concentration in specific sectors poses potential challenges. Debt funds carry credit and interest rate risks, while managerial decisions can influence overall performance. Liquidity issues and market timing risks may affect investor access and returns. Regulatory changes can impact the industry, and global funds face currency risks..                                                                                                                          

  1. What is the main drawback of a mutual fund?

Despite their benefits, mutual funds come with a notable drawback: fees and expenses. These costs, encompassing management fees, sales loads, and expense ratios, are essential for covering operating and managerial expenses. While fee structures vary, high fees can significantly diminish overall returns, making it crucial for investors to carefully assess and compare costs when considering a mutual fund. 

  1. Is mutual fund better than FD?

The choice between mutual funds and fixed deposits hinges on individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and preferences. Mutual funds, being market-linked, offer potential for higher returns but come with higher risk, providing diversification and professional management. Fixed deposits, with fixed returns and lower risk, offer capital preservation but lack liquidity and may have lower returns. Investors with higher risk tolerance, a longer time horizon, and a preference for diversification might lean towards mutual funds, while those prioritizing stability, predictable returns, and short-term needs may opt for fixed deposits..

  1. Are mutual funds really beneficial?

The suitability of mutual funds depends on individual financial objectives, risk tolerance, and preferences. Mutual funds offer benefits such as diversification, professional management, liquidity, accessibility, and potential cost efficiency with lower fees. However, drawbacks include varying fee structures, performance risks tied to market fluctuations, and the relinquishment of control over investment decisions to fund managers. Prior to investing, careful consideration of financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon is crucial. 

  1. What are the benefits of mutual fund?

Mutual funds present a range of benefits for investors, making them a popular choice in financial markets. These advantages include diversification, facilitated by pooling funds from many investors into a varied portfolio, professional management by experienced fund managers, and accessibility to different asset classes even with a modest investment. Liquidity is ensured as investors can buy or sell shares at any business day's net asset value (NAV), and many mutual funds offer cost efficiency compared to managing a diversified portfolio independently. Automatic reinvestment of dividends and capital gains allows for compounding returns, and regulatory oversight ensures investor protection and industry transparency. 

Tushar Vyas
Bengaluru, India