Let's Go Global: Invest internationally

Table Of Content

  • Our Investment Strategy for International Mutual Funds
  • What do you invest in with Let's Go Global Mutual Funds?
  • Let's Go Global Mutual Funds: Pros and Cons
  • Let's Go Global: Annualised past returns
  • Who should invest in Let's Go Global?

Quick Summary

Gain exposure into the global equity market. Invest in "Let's Go Global" a mutual fund portfolio that helps expand your domestic portfolio on an international scale. A portfolio that offers an opportunity for international diversification. Invest in some of the leading global businesses, the cream of the crop names from America to Asia to Eastern Europe and beyond.

Exposure to the global equity market, which includes the US, established markets outside of the US, and developing markets, can be obtained through the Let's Go Global portfolio. Gain exposure to the top 100 non-financial firms in the world as listed on the NASDAQ-100, and profit from the expansion of reputable blue-chip corporations listed on the US stock exchange. Additionally, the portfolio makes investments in businesses in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the People's Republic of China ("Greater China").

Our Investment Strategy for Let’s Go Global

The S&P 500, NASDAQ-100, US blue-chip, and corporations included in the JPMorgan Funds - Greater China Fund are the primary sources of blue-chip companies that are included in the portfolio. Global leaders and well-known brands that may also be present in India but are not listed on Indian stock exchanges are among the companies in which the Scheme may invest.

  • Corporations with enduring competitive advantages over their peers that combine top-down and bottom-up strategies without regard to industry.
  • Utilizing certain future themes and chances that are not always present in home markets.
  • Put your attention on high-conviction equities, choosing businesses with reduced debt and a greater return on equity.
  • Invest in well-known businesses and worldwide leaders that may also be present in India but aren't listed on local stock exchanges.

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What do you invest in with Let’s Go Global ?

  • Leading international companies like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Meta, Google, Netflix, Nike, Starbucks, McDonald's, PayPal, JP Morgan, and Blackrock are listed on the S&P 500.
  • Prominent businesses worldwide that hold a strong position in the market.
  • Take advantage of China's top growth prospects by forming technology, carbon-neutral, and consumption-focused businesses.
  • Firms with a least $4 billion US market value.

Let’s Go Global: Pros and Cons


  • Benefits of international diversification.
  • Possibility of producing long-term, appealing rewards.
  • Typically, these funds have low expense ratios.


  • Periods of volatility are possible.
  • Riskier than usual.
  • There is a currency risk that you face.

Let’s Go Global: Annualised past returns 

  • Most foreign funds, particularly those that concentrate on well-known US brands, have outperformed benchmark indices during the last three, five, and ten years. The NASDAQ 100, S&P 500, and NIFTY 50 TRI are the benchmarks used to compare the fund.
  • This portfolio's investment goal is to give the investor the chance to benefit from long-term capital growth through investments in a globally diversified portfolio.
  • It has a very high risk rating. 
  • Benchmark: NIFTY 500- TRI

Who should invest with the Let’s Go Global Stack ?

International funds are an option for investors with a lengthy investment horizon and a willingness to assume moderate to high risk. The best candidates for international funds are usually those who want to make long-term investments—at least seven years. Given the higher volatility of international funds compared to domestic funds, investors should be prepared to assume some risk in exchange for the possibility of larger returns. A fundamental understanding of global markets and the variables influencing their performance is essential for investors.

  • This is ideal for the age group of 18 years upto 40 years
  • This is for investors who delve in aggressive risk investing 
  • Investment horizon of 7+ years
  • You can expect long term capital appreciation
  • This is ideal for investors with the financial goals of saving for your child’s education and acquiring a second home.


1. What are global equity mutual funds?

Global equity mutual funds are investment vehicles that pool money from multiple investors and invest in stocks of companies from various countries around the world (except India). This provides investors with exposure to different economies and sectors, potentially helping to diversify their portfolio and reduce risk.

2. Why should Indian investors consider global equity mutual funds?

There are several reasons why Indian investors might consider investing in global equity mutual funds:
- Diversification: Investing in companies outside of India can help to reduce your portfolio's dependence on the Indian market, which can be volatile. This can help to smooth out your returns over time.
- Access to new opportunities: Global equity mutual funds can provide access to companies and sectors that are not available to Indian investors through the domestic market. This can give you the chance to invest in high-growth sectors or innovative companies.
- Hedging against rupee depreciation: If you believe that the rupee is likely to depreciate in the future, investing in global assets can help to hedge against this risk.

3. What are the risks of investing in global equity mutual funds?

While there are potential benefits to investing in global equity mutual funds, there are also some risks to be aware of:
- Currency risk: The value of your investment can be affected by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates.
- Political and economic risks: Events in other countries can affect the performance of your investment.
- Liquidity risk: Some global equity mutual funds may be less liquid than domestic funds, meaning it may be more difficult to sell your shares quickly if you need to.

Tushar Vyas
Bengaluru, India