Realize your wealth with Stack's WealthScience™


The ability to view all your investments in one place, with visualizations and statistics that paint the whole picture, is one that Stack makes a reality with the cutting-edge methodology of WealthScience™.

How long should I invest

The power of WealthScience™ helps the investor paint a picture of the road ahead towards their financial goals, with the help of your investment amount, time, frequency of deposits & withdrawals. It's important to understand that the values depicted in the visualizations do not guarantee goal achievement. The time of reaching your goal varies due to market performance. WealthScience™ relies on the fact that you maintain the recommended portfolio at the end of the goal term rather than liquidate it. If the portfolio strategy is changed, calculations are updated.

Returns in Equity

The graph visualization can be understood by focusing on the two main aspects. First, the dark shade indicates the projected portfolio value under normal market conditions with a 95% possibility of occurrence. Second, the light shade indicates the 5% possibility that the value is within the fixed range above or below the expected value.

We advise on withdrawals after tracking the impact of capital gains and ensure that you withdraw from the funds with minimum tax implications. We also track the exit load for optimised withdrawals and then evaluate and recommend the funds to withdraw from, including the amount to withdraw from each.

Guilt Calculator

The portfolio performance is tracked and the ability of the portfolio to reach the Goal target is indicated, assuming average market performance as a percentage. Stack provides advice for bringing the goal back on track in three ways –

  1. Increasing the amount of future monthly contributions.
  2. Increasing the term of the investment.
  3. Increasing the current balance in the account by making a one-time deposit.

There are a few factors to consider when achieving your financial goal such as - taxes, market performance, insufficient deposits for a given time frame etc.

Tushar Vyas
Bengaluru, India