The Value of Rs. 1 Crore After 30 Years - Understanding How Inflation Works


Comprehending the effects of inflation is essential in the larger scheme of financial planning. Many of us have aspirations of accumulating a particular sum of money, and in India, Rs. 1 crore is frequently considered a noteworthy achievement. But thirty years from now, Rs. 1 crore will not have the same genuine value. This is because inflation is a constant force. In order to understand the true value of Rs. 1 crore thirty years from now, let's examine how inflation operates.

What is Inflation?

In essence, inflation is the pace at which prices for goods and services generally increase, thereby decreasing one's purchasing power. This implies that the money you save now will have a lower future value. For example, although if Rs. 1 crore seems like a lot of money now, after three decades it will have substantially less purchasing power. The real worth of Rs. 1 crore will significantly decrease if the annual average rate of inflation stays at 5%, which would have an impact on your future purchasing power.

How is Inflation a thief of Purchasing Power

Imagine a loaf of bread costs Rs. 20 today. Inflation is the rate at which prices generally go up. So, with a 5% annual inflation rate, that same loaf might cost Rs. 26 after a year, Rs. 33.8 after five years, and a whopping Rs. 81.4 after 30 years! This means your Rs. 1 crore, while still a crore technically, won't buy you nearly as much in the future.

At 5% inflation: Rs. 1 crore could be worth around Rs. 23 lakh.

Another example is let's say a cup of coffee costs Rs. 50 today. With a steady 5% inflation rate, that same cup could cost Rs. 102.50 in 30 years. Now imagine this happening to everything – groceries, housing, healthcare. That seemingly large Rs. 1 crore you have today might struggle to maintain your desired lifestyle three decades later.

Strategies to react to Inflation Effects

  • Putting Money Into Assets That Offer Returns Higher Than Inflation
    Investing in assets that have historically yielded returns higher than inflation is essential if you want to protect yourself against the depressing impacts of inflation. As investments that might potentially outpace inflation over time, real estate, bonds, and stocks are all good choices if you want to protect the value of your assets.
  • Putting Diversification Strategies Into Practice
    Another important tactic to fight inflation is diversification. Investing in a variety of asset classes, geographies, and industries will help you reduce the danger that inflation will have a major negative impact on your whole portfolio. Using this method guarantees that your financial plans will continue to be strong and resilient to inflationary swings.

Real World Scenario

Let's see this in action. Imagine investing Rs. 50 lakhs in fixed deposits (low risk) and Rs. 50 lakhs in stocks (higher risk, higher potential return) 30 years ago. While the fixed deposit might provide a steady, low return, the stock market, if navigated well, could potentially offer returns that outpace inflation. This allows your overall wealth to grow despite rising prices.

Now, consider a family who saved diligently for retirement, only to find their savings insufficient due to inflation. They might have to adjust their lifestyle significantly or delay retirement. This essentially shows the importance as well as the need of proactively planning for inflation.

Tools and Techniques for Inflation Planning

  1. Inflation Calculators: These online tools forecast the future purchasing power of your money based on historical inflation rates. This helps you understand how much you truly need to save for your goals.
  2. Inflation-Adjusted Financial Planning: Many financial planning software programs allow you to adjust your goals and calculations based on projected inflation rates. This ensures your plan remains realistic and sustainable in the long run.


Comprehending the enduring consequences of inflation is essential for effective financial planning. Because of inflation, thirty years from now, the worth of one crore rupees will not be the same. People can manage the issues presented by inflation by using current tools for inflation planning, diversifying their portfolios, and using strategic investment techniques. By taking a proactive stance, wealth is protected and grows, ensuring future financial stability.

Tushar Vyas
Bengaluru, India