The Young and the restless

According to a study by Science Daily, when unexpected circumstances arise, younger people are better equipped to respond to sudden change.

Finance is often considered a grey hair industry, where being older and experienced is generally much more celebrated, but add tech to the mix, and we’ve got a whole new ball game!

Stack is here to tell you how we are empowering young talent to the forefront. And why we think that generation Z adds as much value as their older counterparts.

How Stack values new blood

Working in silos, we can often end up with tunnel vision. We believe that younger team members can play a vital role in establishing newer and out-of-the-box perspectives to problem-solving.

A collaborative work culture

At Stack, we’ve also found that younger people simply have a different approach to working. According to an article by The New York Times younger people contribute to creating an inclusive and collaborative workspace instead of the traditional top-down structure.

It was important for us to realise that if we were to champion innovation, flexibility, and dynamism in the fintech industry, we would have to practice it inside the organisation too.

With the advent of product companies and a new agile approach to management techniques, productivity under young leaders and managers has also increased.

According to Stack CPO, Yashwardhan Pauranik, young talent also heralds innovation. He says, ‘Young developers always have a creative thought process to find solutions without getting entangled in complex programming paradigms, helping us deliver faster.’

At Stack, we envisioned embracing a more forward-thinking approach towards hiring. We wanted to encourage young talent to build and grow WITH us. Learning and building a solid product together.

We also wanted to provide leadership and mentoring opportunities to nurture and nudge younger people in the fintech space.

What our team has to say

When 23-year-old software engineer Nrujal Sharma joined Stack, he had a clear vision of what he expected to learn. ‘I wanted to work in the Fintech domain and knew that startups provide better learning and growing opportunities than many big techs do.’

Stack is the second company Nrujal has ever worked for and he can already tell that things work a bit differently around here. ‘I like the process that we have, before we start developing anything, where all of us sit and review the designs. I feel it helps us in getting quick feedback at the very beginning of the process, which is very useful.’

Tushar Anchliya, Stack’s youngest programmer, believes in his team’s ability to push him harder and strongly supports the employee growth program. He writes,

‘Stack gives opportunities to grow in different fields. Our Company's employee growth program also challenges me every day to grow better and also provides mentoring on various topics which gives me more trust in the company's policies and the company's environment. It reminds me of my college days where our teachers and us would sit doing hackathons and solving real-world problems and improving our skills along the way.’

The Stack Take: Why a young workforce is the future of work

We knew that if we wanted to create an inclusive app that caters to anyone willing to grow their wealth through investing, we would need an equally inclusive and dynamic team
made up of young talent, with infinite potentialities and creativity.

We strive to create a work culture that is not only encouraging but conducive to the overall growth and development of our young and vibrant teammates. So don’t forget to check out the app our young guns so brilliantly developed!