Union Budget 2024: Your Investment Strategy for 2024

Prime Minister Modi's recent budget announcement has introduced many plans to improve different parts of India's economy. It covers everything from clean energy to building houses, healthcare, and infrastructure. This blog gives you a quick look at the most important points, talks about how each area might be affected, suggests ways to invest your money, discusses how to handle risks, and finishes by talking about the bigger impact of the budget.

Interim Union Budget 2024- A Complete Overview

  • Revolutionising Solar Power: PM Modi is making big changes in solar sector to help families save money. The government aims to give free rooftop solar panels to one crore households, letting them save on electricity bills. Each household can generate up to 300 units of electricity every month for free. This shows that the government is serious about using clean and sustainable energy.
  • Housing for All: The PM Awas Yojana Grameen is reaching its goal of building 3 crore homes for people. They're planning to make 2 crore more homes to meet the growing need. There's also a new plan to help the middle-class buy their own homes. This is good for industries like steel, cement, and building materials because they'll be needed to build all these houses.
  • Healthcare for Workers: Ayushman Bharat, which helps people get medical care, is now going to cover workers from ASHA and Anganwadi schemes. This means more workers will have access to healthcare when they need it. 
  • Infrastructure Boost: The budget will set aside a big amount of money and offers loans without interest for 50 years to support new and important areas of growth, showing a strong commitment to building better infrastructure. 
  • Railway and Port Connectivity: They're planning to create several new train routes, specifically for transporting things like energy, cement, and minerals. Also, they want to make around 40,000 train bogies using the Vande Bharat standard to make the trains work better and more efficiently.
  • Capex Surge: In the financial year 2025, the government plans to spend Rs 11.1 lakh crore on building things like roads and bridges. This amount is 3.4% of the country's GDP. It's a significant increase of 11.1% from before, showing that they really want to improve and build more things for everyone.
  • Medical Education Expansion: The government plans to set up more medical colleges by utilising existing hospital infrastructure, addressing the shortage of healthcare professionals.
  • Tourism Development: States are encouraged to develop tourist centres with long-term interest-free loans, promoting tourism as a vital economic sector.
  • Urban Connectivity:  Namo Bharat trains  and Expansion of metro trains to more cities demonstrates a commitment to improving urban connectivity.
  • Fiscal Responsibility: The government initially thought it would spend 5.8% of the country's GDP more than it earns. Now, they plan to reduce that overspending to 5.1% in the financial year 2025. 
  • Market Borrowing: India plans to borrow a total of INR 14.13 trillion in the financial year 2025. After deducting the new debt they're taking on, is INR 11.75 trillion. 

Sector wise Impact: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Green Energy Sector: Green energy, like solar power, has good chances for growth. More people wanting solar panels is good for companies in renewable energy. But, making sure things work well and dealing with any problems in the setup or infrastructure might be tricky. It's like having a great idea, but making it happen smoothly is the challenge.
  • Housing and Infrastructure: Building homes and infrastructure has some positive points. It's good news for industries like steel, cement, and building materials because they'll have more work. However, there are difficulties, like dealing with rules and making sure homes stay affordable for the middle-class. It's like having a chance for growth, but there are obstacles to handle.
  • Healthcare: In the healthcare field, there are chances for growth, like having more medical colleges and people needing more healthcare services. But, there are challenges too, such as making sure there are enough well-trained healthcare workers and improving the facilities where people get medical help. It's like having the opportunity to improve healthcare, but it requires overcoming some obstacles.
  • Tourism: Tourism can bring good things, like making places where tourists go richer and creating jobs. However, there are challenges, such as making sure tourism doesn't harm the environment. It's like trying to make tourist spots better without causing harm to nature.
  • Transportation: In transportation, there's a chance to make trains and metros better and more widespread. It's an opportunity for efficiency improvements. But, it comes with challenges like building the necessary infrastructure and dealing with potential problems in how things operate. It's like aiming to make travel easier, but there are things to figure out along the way.
  • Fiscal Management: In managing money for the country, there's a chance to spend more and boost the economy. It's like giving it a financial boost. But, there are challenges like making sure the amount spent doesn't cause too much debt and create inflation, where prices go up. It's like trying to balance spending money wisely without causing other problems.

Investment Strategies: Focusing on Interim Budget 2024

  • Renewable Energy Stocks: Think about putting your money into companies that make solar panels, harness wind energy, and work with other renewable sources. It's like supporting businesses that are focused on clean and sustainable energy.
  • Real Estate and Construction: Pay attention to the stocks of companies that deal with steel, cement, and building materials. The housing sector is likely to grow, and these companies could do well as more construction and building projects happen. It's like keeping an eye on businesses that supply materials for building homes.
  • Healthcare Sector: Look into investing in healthcare stocks, especially those connected to education and building facilities. There could be good chances for growth as the healthcare sector develops its educational aspects and infrastructure. It's like considering opportunities in companies that are involved in healthcare, education, and building medical facilities.
  • Tourism-Related Industries: Think about investing in areas like hotels, travel companies, and entertainment businesses as tourist spots grow. There could be good opportunities for growth in these sectors as tourism destinations develop. It's like considering putting your money into businesses that cater to people who travel and visit tourist attractions.
  • Transportation and Infrastructure: Investment opportunities in companies that work on train and metro projects, and those that provide support for logistics . Investing in these types of companies could be a good idea as transportation and logistical services become more important. It's like considering putting your money into businesses that help with moving things around, especially in terms of trains and metros.
  • Government Bonds: Because the government is borrowing more money from the market, investing in government bonds could be a good way to get steady and reliable returns on your investment. It's like lending money to the government, and in return, they pay you back with some interest, providing stability to your investment.

Understanding Risks and Mitigating Challenges

  • Regulatory Risks: Keep an eye out for any new rules that could affect industries like housing and renewable energy.
  • Implementation Risks: Keep an eye on how well announced projects are being carried out to make sure they achieve their goals.
  • Infrastructure Bottlenecks: Be careful about possible problems in building things, as they might slow down or cause delays in projects.
  • Global Economic Factors: Stay watchful of the world economy as it can impact areas like exports and how much money the government borrows.
  • Inflationary Pressures: Keep an eye on inflation trends because if the government spends a lot more money, it might cause prices to go up.


India's Budget 2024 is like a plan for making the country better, focusing on important areas for growth and building a sustainable future. Investors can make money from new opportunities, but it's important to be careful and manage risks. As India goes through these big changes, staying updated and adjusting investment plans as things change will be crucial for success.

How Stack Wealth’s Sector Wise investing Under opportunities will help diversify Investment

Stack Wealth has figured out which areas in India are going to grow a lot in the future. We have created a special investment plan called Building India Stack. This plan is like a smart strategy to help you invest your money in the industries and sectors that are expected to do really well. It's kind of like a roadmap for investing wisely in places where your money has a good chance of growing in the next few years.

FAQs: Unveiling India's Budget 2024

  1. Which sectors will benefit from Budget 2024:

Many sectors can do well because of Budget 2024. Sectors like green energy, building houses and infrastructure, healthcare, tourism, and transportation all have the chance to grow. The focus on green energy, making sure everyone has a home, improving healthcare, and building things creates chances for growth in these fields.

  1. Who presents the budget in the parliament?

The budget is like a big financial plan for the country, and the Finance Minister, chosen by the government, presents it in the parliament. For Budget 2024, they will talk about how they plan to spend money, what policies they have, and what new things they want to do in the next year.

  1. What are the highlights of budget 2024-25?The key highlights of Budget

2024-25 include significant initiatives such as:

    • Revolutionary solar power schemes for households.
    • PM Awas Yojana Grameen nearing its 3 crore homes target.
    • Ayushman Bharat expanding coverage for workers.
    • Infrastructure boost with 50-year interest-free loans.
    • Railway and port connectivity projects.
    • Substantial capex surge for FY25, emphasizing infrastructure development.
    • Expansion of medical education and encouragement for tourism development.
    • Urban connectivity improvements with metro and Namo Bharat trains.
  1. What are the investment trends for 2024?

In 2024, there are good chances to make money by investing in areas like green energy, building houses, healthcare, tourism, transportation, and infrastructure. Think about putting your money into renewable energy stocks, real estate, healthcare companies, tourism-related businesses, transportation, infrastructure projects, or government bonds as ways to potentially make more money.

  1. What is the tax slab changes for 2024-25?

The details about changes in tax rates for the year 2024-25 are not mentioned here. If there are any updates about taxes, you can find them in the official budget documents, especially the Finance Bill. For accurate and latest information on tax changes, it's best to check official government releases or talk to financial experts.

Tushar Vyas
Bengaluru, India