Unraveling Market Linked Debentures (MLDs): A Comprehensive Guide to Pros, Cons, and Considerations


  • Definition of Market Linked Debentures (MLDs)

Market Linked Debentures (MLDs) stand at the crossroads of traditional fixed-income instruments and the dynamic world of financial markets. These hybrid securities offer investors a unique opportunity to participate in market movements while providing a fixed-income component.

  • Brief Overview of MLDs as Investment Instruments

MLDs have gained prominence for their potential to deliver attractive returns, albeit with associated risks. This blog delves into the intricacies of Market Linked Debentures, exploring their structure, benefits, drawbacks, and essential considerations for prospective investors.

How Market Linked Debentures Work

  • Explanation of the Structure of MLDs

At their core, MLD investments are debt instruments issued by corporations or financial institutions. What sets them apart is their link to financial markets, typically through equity indices, commodities, or a combination of various market benchmarks. This linkage introduces an element of risk and reward tied to market performance.

  • The Link Between MLDs and Financial Markets

Understanding the linkage between MLDs and financial markets is crucial. MLD returns often depend on the movement of the underlying market index or benchmark. This dynamic nature distinguishes MLDs from conventional fixed-income securities, making them attractive to investors seeking exposure to market movements.

Pros of Investing in Market Linked Debentures

  1. Potential for Higher Returns
  • Discussing the Opportunity for Returns Linked to Market Performance

MLDs offer investors the potential for higher returns compared to traditional fixed-income securities. The returns are directly linked to the performance of the chosen market index or benchmark. During favorable market conditions, investors may enjoy enhanced returns, capitalizing on the growth potential of the underlying assets.

  • Examples of Favorable Market Conditions for MLD investments

Typically periods of bullish trending markets or sectors experiencing robust growth usually contribute to favourable outcomes for MLD investors. Sideways markets typically do not offer the best risk adjusted returns to Market Linked Debenture investors. 

  1. Diversification Benefits
  • How MLDs Can Contribute to a Diversified Investment Portfolio

Diversification is a cornerstone of prudent investment strategy, and MLDs play a role in achieving a well-balanced portfolio. By incorporating MLDs alongside traditional assets, investors can mitigate risk by spreading exposure across different market segments.

  • Balancing Risk Through Exposure to Various Market Segments

MLDs often encompass a diverse range of underlying assets. This diversity helps spread risk, as poor performance in one sector may be offset by positive outcomes in another. This risk-balancing feature appeals to investors seeking a more resilient portfolio.

  1. Principal Protection Features
  • Highlighting Any Capital Protection Mechanisms in Certain MLD Structures

Some MLD structures come with built-in capital protection mechanisms. These features aim to safeguard the initial investment, assuring investors that a predetermined portion of their principal is secure, even in adverse market conditions.

  • Understanding How Downside Risk Is Managed

Exploring how MLDs manage downside risk is crucial for investors. Examining the terms and conditions, including any floor levels or downside protection measures, provides insights into the resilience of MLDs during market downturns.

Cons and Risks Associated with MLDs

  1. Market Volatility Impact
  • Discussing the Sensitivity of MLD investments to Market Fluctuations

While MLDs offer the potential for higher returns, they are equally sensitive to market volatility. Fluctuations in the underlying market indices can lead to unpredictable outcomes, including the possibility of losses during unfavorable market conditions.

  • Potential for Losses During Unfavorable Market Conditions

Investors must acknowledge the inherent risk of losses associated with MLDs. During market downturns, the performance of these instruments may suffer, impacting the overall value of the investment.

  1. Complexity and Lack of Transparency
  • Addressing the Complexity of MLD Structures and Terms

MLDs are often intricate financial instruments with complex structures and terms. Investors need to carefully scrutinize the offering documents to comprehend the nuances of the investment, including the methodology used to calculate returns and any associated fees.

  • The Importance of Understanding Terms and Conditions Before Investing

Due diligence is paramount when considering MLDs. Understanding the terms and conditions, including any contingencies or clauses, is crucial for making informed investment decisions.

  1. Interest Rate, Liquidity and Credit Risks
  • Interest Rate Risks

Interest rate movements should ideally have a limited impact on the performance of MLDs. Hence the overall risk from this aspect is low. 

  • Liquidity Risk 

MLDs are generally illiquid in nature. They may pose liquidity challenges, especially in secondary markets. Investors should be prepared for the possibility of limited liquidity, which could affect their ability to sell or exit positions swiftly.

  • Credit Risk 

The underlying principle amount in an MLD assumes credit risk and the payment of the same along with interest at the end of the fixed tenure solely rests upon the creditworthiness of the underlying borrower. Hence it is important for investors to undertake adequate due diligence on the borrower likey they would when investing in any bond or Non Convertible Debenture. 

Tax Implications of Market Linked Debentures

Overview of the Tax Treatment for Returns Generated by MLDs
In the 2023 budget taxation for MLDs has been changed. Now any gains upon sale or maturity of MLDs will now be taxed as short-term capital gains. This means that the returns will be taxed at the investor’s applicable tax slab, which could be higher than the previous 10% rate. This change is aimed at reducing tax arbitrage and aligning the tax treatment of MLDs with other financial instruments.

Comparisons with Other Investment Options

Contrasting MLDs with Traditional Bonds, Mutual Funds, and Other Investment Vehicles
MLDs do not pay out any amount during the tenure of the instrument and typically all proceeds are paid upon maturity which may not be the case with other fixed income instruments which typically pay out a regular coupon periodically. 

MLDs by nature are a product which have a defined outcome (return) depending on the event unlike other fixed income securities where the return is defined and fixed in nature. They are also unlike market linked investments such as Mutual Funds where the returns are 100% linked to the performance of the underlying market. 

Tips for Investors Considering MLDs

  • Due Diligence and Research Recommendations

Prioritize thorough due diligence before investing in MLDs. Scrutinize offering documents, understand the methodology for calculating returns, and assess the historical performance of similar MLDs.

  • Consulting with Financial Advisors for Personalized Advice

Seeking guidance from financial advisors can provide personalized insights tailored to individual financial goals and risk tolerance. Advisors can help investors navigate the complexities of MLDs and align their investment strategy with their broader financial plan.


In conclusion, Market Linked Debentures offer a unique blend of fixed-income stability and market-linked growth potential. While they come with associated risks and complexities, informed investors can leverage the benefits of MLDs within a well-diversified portfolio. As with any investment, due diligence, careful consideration, and professional advice are paramount to making sound financial decisions.

Tushar Vyas
Bengaluru, India